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Office in New Normal
Pranidhana Putra Kusdaryanto
Rabu, 08 Juli 2020   |   441 kali

The COVID-19 has disrupted the world from every aspect.  We will start to get used to work from home (WFH) amid this pandemic. The WFH thing is becoming a new normal for many. Everything is fully online. School from home, work from home are kind of new normal things. We send letters by mail, digitally sign documents, and do meetings via Zoom or Cisco. We don’t need to do face-to-face discussion anymore. Thereafter, what will be the new normal for our office?

The first office was originated in the 18th century by ancient Rome. It was first built to handle paperwork. According to Wikipedia, an office is defined as a room or area where people perform administrative work to support the organization to reach its goals. By the industrial revolution hit the world, clerical jobs were much needed than before. Therefore, offices popped up throughout the world.

Office design has evolved and transformed over the past decades. In the early 20th century, the open office concept had reached its popularity. Open office meant no walls dividing desks, no cubicles, and no individual offices. This style was designed for managers to easily see their workers. From a worker perspective, this concept gave the benefit of being able to speak to the office mate and ask for help if needed.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office

By increasing the number of population who are using the internet, the world is now connected. Based on Statista.com, in April 2020, a total of active internet users reaches 4.57 billion people or around 59% of the worldwide population. So, the internet currently becomes one of basic needs which contributes in building our digital life.

In the life of the 21st century, our world is getting smaller. People can even meet virtually through their phones. It has demolished time and distance in real life. The digital world has taken over us. Does distance still matter today?

As people are more mobile and flexible in working, the term of Activity Based Working ("ABW") has become increasingly popular. Workers could work anywhere as long as it can connect with the internet. They don't need to wed in their office desk anymore. As we can see many people work at the coffee shops, co-working space, or even at their own home.

In line with the concept of ABW, the Ministry of Finance of the Republik Indonesia ("MoF") has implemented the new thinking of working. According to Decree of Minister of Finance Number 223 of 2020 regarding The Implementation of Flexible Working Space in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (“KMK 223”), MoF has implemented such policy in some offices before enacted KMK 223. The new thinking of working aims to support bureaucratic efficiency, trust-building, work-life balance as well as to create a comfortable, fluid, and collaborative work environment. The ABW provides workers to choose a place in the office that is most suitable for them.

To support such policy, MoF has a breakthrough by developing Office Automation (OA) system called e-Kemenkeu. e-Kemenkeu is an integrated system of mailing, attendance, drive, Human Resource Information System (HRIS), and other features.


Source: https://office.kemenkeu.go.id/home

COVID-19 first outbreak in March in Indonesia coerced people to stay at home especially when Government enforced temporary closure of offices and other activities that can gather people in same place. Working from home should be done, at that time, to contain the spread of the virus. This might be a challenging situation for any government sector. With the stay at home order, public services must be still held. MoF has made an innovation to ensure the business process still running or so-called Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

By having e-Kemenkeu, all of the administrative processes are now digital. Therefore, the business process could be done from home. Based on Buletin Kinerja (1st Semester 2020), the total of MoF's employees who did WFH is about 84,89%. The implementation of WFH has made a vacancy in our office. In addition, it has affected a lower utility cost for electricity, AC, and water. Also, it even saved room usage up to 85%.

Then, what can we do to optimize the vacant space in our office? According to Article 27 Government Regulation No. 28/2020 on Management of State-Owned Assets, one of utilization forms is rent. State-owned assets can be rent out to everyone who needs the workspace. It could be a potential non-tax revenue since remote working is becoming more popular. Amid sluggish tax collection, this could be an alternative booster for Government’s revenue. So, do we still need an office for doing some paperwork stuff? I think it's going to be disrupted and offices are no more relevant. 


1. https://k2space.co.uk/knowledge/history-of-office-design/

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office

3. https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/

4. https://www.kemenkeu.go.id/media/14963/buletin-kinerja-edisi-xli-semester-i-tahun-2020.pdf

(writer: Pranidhana P. Kusdaryanto, Staff at KPKNL Parepare)

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